High Frequency Hearing Test
To make sure you are not getting misleading distortions, avoid using wireless earbuds or headphones, and use plug-in headphones or built-in speakers instead. When computers transmit sound over Bluetooth, they usually discard or distort hard-to-hear sounds to save energy and bandwidth. At least one tester (using Apple EarPods) stopped hearing sounds at 17 kHz, and then began to hear sounds at 18 through 20 kHz because of aliasing distortions.
Hi, this is a high frequency hearing test. I’m going to play sine waves lasting for three seconds. To get rid of distracting clicks at the beginning and end of each tone, I’ve added a tiny 50 millisecond fade-in and out.
- 14 kHz, 10% amplitude (or volume).
- 15 kHz, 10% amplitude.
- 16 kHz 10% amplitude.
- 17 kHz. I’ve slightly increased the amplitude to 20% for this one, so that it sounds about as loud as the last tone to my ear.
- 18 kHz. 50% amplitude.
- 19 kHz. 90% amplitude. I’m not going to 100%, since that could cause distracting distortions.
- 20 kHz, 90% amplitude.
If you couldn’t hear all of the tones, you can try this test again at higher volume. It’s normal to start noticing higher frequencies more as they get louder.